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Brain Balance Blog

Get the latest news, tips and advice from the experts at Brain Balance.

Brain Balance Exercise Challenge: Agility Ladder

Brain Balance Exercise Challenge: Agility Ladder! This fun, outdoor activity is great for the whole family. All your family needs is a ruler and […]

Brain Balance Exercise Challenge: Sequencing "TikTok" Style

Parents, get ready to "TikTok," Brain Balance style! This sequencing exercise is good for the brain, at any age! Your child is probably already […]

Brain Balance Exercise Challenge: Balloon Game

Grab a balloon and a pool noodle and get ready to move! This Brain Balance Exercise Challenge combines movement, coordination, and cognitive skills.

Facts about picky eating you need to know

Do you feel frustrated by how few foods your picky eater will eat? Does dinnertime feel more like a battle ground then a peaceful end to your long […]

The COVID Slide: Helping Parents and Kids Climb Back Up

There’s a new slide in town—a slide you won’t find on the school playground. Known as the COVID Slide, it describes the decline in academic retention […]

Research Highlights Brain Balance as a Highly Effective Non-Drug Alternative

New research published in the Journal of Mental Health and Clinical Psychology suggests that Brain Balance is an effective, non-drug option for […]

How Your Nutrition and Hydration Can Help Support Your Immune System

Nutrition is fuel for being able to move, focus and feel our very best. It can also support overall wellness, especially in stressful and uncertain […]

University of Cambridge Research Links Learning Difficulties with Weak Connections in the Brain

Children with cognitive, attention and learning difficulties likely have weaker connectivity across regions of the brain than the rest of the […]

The Effect of Nutrition on Sleep

Did you know that what’s on your child’s plate has a powerful influence on how well they sleep? Many things influence your child’s ability to fall […]
