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Brain Balance Blog:
Brain Balance

The Essential Role of Brain Health in Every Life Stage

Brain health is increasingly recognized as a cornerstone of overall well-being, with its impact resonating across all stages of life. The concept […]

ADD vs. ADHD: What's The Difference?

Of course, you love your child. You just wish they would slow down for just one minute. Maybe they seem to be dashing off in a dozen directions at […]

The Science Behind Brain Balance

By Dr. Rebecca Jackson

Facts about picky eating you need to know

Do you feel frustrated by how few foods your picky eater will eat? Does dinnertime feel more like a battle ground then a peaceful end to your long […]

The COVID Slide: Helping Parents and Kids Climb Back Up

There’s a new slide in town—a slide you won’t find on the school playground. Known as the COVID Slide, it describes the decline in academic retention […]

Defiant Behavior: What's Happening in the Brain?

When a child displays defiant behavior, it can feel baffling and challenging for parents. Oppositional and defiant behavior can also be a sign of […]

Top Brain Games that Improve a Student's Focus and Attention

There is no shortage of brain games available, and in recent years, their popularity has continued to rise — particularly among those with ADHD and […]

Brain Boosting Foods for Kids

The connection between our diets and brain function is an important topic. At Brain Balance, we work to improve behaviors, attention and focus, […]

Summer Outdoor Activities That Build Gross Motor Skills

Fine motor skills relate to hand-eye coordination and control over small muscles, but gross motor skills cover a much broader set of skills. Kids […]
