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October 2014 is ADHD Awareness Month

ADHD Guide to Educate & Raise Awareness About This Common Childhood Disorder


ADHD Awareness Month 2014 begins today! In order to promote awareness and understanding of attention issues, we will feature ADHD related articles and content throughout the month of October. Please find below an ADHD Guide to past articles, all related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. We hope that you’ll share this guide as a way to raise awareness of ADHD among your families and friends.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders and is a condition characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior.

Individuals with attention disorders may demonstrate the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty Staying Focused and Paying Attention
  • Daydream a Lot
  • Do Not Seem to Listen
  • Easily Distracted from Schoolwork or Play
  • Forgetful
  • Constant Motion or Unable to Stay Seated

More information about detecting ADHD and the signs of ADHD can be found in the following articles:

Recognizing ADHD Warning Signs in Kids: These signs of ADHD should be observed frequently and to a degree that is not developmentally appropriate for the child’s age.

Signs and Symptoms of ADHD: ADHD is characterized by the excessive presence of these symptoms so that they impair a child’s ability to function in everyday life in more than one setting.

All About ADHD: ADHD is a condition that we currently address through our program.  Learn all about attention issues, what criteria is used to diagnose ADHD and how Brain Balance can help.

Help for ADHD

As a parent to a child who struggles with ADHD and attention issues, there are ways you can help. The following articles offer tips and strategies that you can implement at home to help improve your child’s concentration, focus and impulsivity.

Ways to Improve Concentration in Kids with ADHD: Your child with attention deficits may struggle to concentrate on homework, be easily distracted from chores, or battle to keep to routines. Use these tips to focus on appropriate behaviors, and your child’s concentration is sure to improve.

Motivating Your ADHD Child: How do you encourage a child with ADHD who avoids homework and chores to complete those tasks with minimal arguing or stress?

Setting Rules For Your Child With ADHD: While they can be modified to fit your family, these rules are a great starting place for helping your ADHD child succeed.

Avoid Bullies with These 6 Tips for Kids with ADHD: It’s no secret that kids with learning and behavioral disorders like ADHD are often easy targets for bullies. These tips and strategies can help your child improve social interactions and avoid bullies.

Tips for Minimizing the Homework Battle: Multiple factors may be contributing to your child’s homework struggles. Discover common roadblocks to homework success and tips that will help ease the daily battle.

Improving Executive Function Skills: Find tips and strategies below to improve your child’s working memory and executive function skills through practice and repetition.

Diet and ADHD

Diet and behavior go hand in hand so it’s no surprise that many of the symptoms of ADHD like hyperactivity and inability to focus can sometimes be improved by changing the way your child eats. Studies have shown that eating foods high in protein, controlling sugar intake, and avoiding artificial additives can go a long way towards managing ADHD naturally. The following articles explore ways diet changes can improve cognitive function and support  better behavior.

Kid Friendly Foods That Support Memory
Kid-Friendly Foods That Enhance Focus
Organic vs Conventional Produce for Kids with ADHD

ADHD Studies and Research

Clinical research indicates that most neuro-developmental disorders like ADHD have in common an under-connectivity between the two hemispheres of the brain - what we call Functional Disconnection Syndrome. The following studies support this idea and help provide further insight into the diagnosis and treatment for ADHD.

Study Shows ADHD Brain Connections Develop More Slowly
Mayo Clinic Study Shows Miswiring in ADHD Brain
Research Shows Disconnect in Brains of Kids with ADHD

The Brain Balance Program for ADHD

A randomized control study conducted by doctors in the Medical Neurology and Neuroscience field found that a drug-free, multi-modal program is significantly effective for eliminating symptoms associated with ADHD, as well as producing significant cognitive improvement. After a 12-week intervention program that improves right brain connectivity, the researchers found that 81 percent of children who enrolled in the multi-modal program no longer fit the criteria for ADHD.

The Brain Balance Program® is the most comprehensive approach to overcoming the symptoms of childhood learning and developmental issues like ADHD. It offers a cutting-edge, integrated approach that combines three core modalities into one program, integrating physical, sensory motor, and cognitive exercises with nutritional guidance to effectively address the root cause of these issues. Our unique, whole-child approach has helped thousands of kids reach their physical, social/behavioral, and academic potential.

If you suspect your child has ADHD or has already been diagnosed with ADHD, contact us online or find a center near you to learn more about how the Brain Balance Program can help.

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