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Brain Balance Suwanee

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Brain Balance Has a Drug-Free Approach to Help Your Child

Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program designed to help kids improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance. Our comprehensive programming incorporates addressing the root cause by looking at brain function from how your child’s brain is developing and its overall function. When you have optimal connectivity in the brain, the ability to learn becomes easier and improvement in cognitive and behavior becomes a reality. With an integrated approach, we are redefining what’s possible.

Find Out if Brain Balance is Right for You

You might be wondering: how do I know if Brain Balance is right for me or my child? Here are the most common reasons families choose Brain Balance.


Brain Balance is dedicated to offering non-pharmacological solutions to addressing challenges. Our program is a holistic approach to changing the brain without medication.


Our program addresses challenges by creating measurable changes in development and cognition, impacting many aspects of life, rather than temporary symptom management.


Our program's success lies in its ability to impact multiple interrelated developmental domains simultaneously. Scientifically proven physical, sensory and cognitive exercises that enhance focus, mood, memory, and overall daily behavior.

Find a better way forward. Complete the form to learn more.

Who We Help

We have helped more than 55,000 individuals get to the root of their struggles and achieve lasting improvements in the following areas. 



Focus & Attention

Anxiety & Stress

Sensory Processing

Motivation & Organization

Learning & Academics

Hyperactivity & Impulsivity

Behavior & Mood

Social & Relationships


About the Brain Balance Program®

The Brain Balance Program is made up of physical and sensorimotor exercises, academic skills training and healthy nutrition. It is tailored to the needs of your child, and delivered in a uniquely systematic approach that you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

A Whole-Brain Approach

The program engages the brain and body together, through sensory engagement, physical development and academic learning activities.

Personalized to Your Child’s Challenges

The program is tailored to your child’s needs and development level, delivered with the frequency and duration needed to drive meaningful change.

1:1 Coaching & Support

Our coaches will personally guide you through the program, including evaluating progress and leveling up as your child advances.

1:1 Nutrition Sessions

A Nutrition Coach will help customize a healthy nutrition plan fit for your child's lifestyle and needs.

On-Demand Resources

You’ll have access to a Program Portal where you can view on demand helper videos, nutrition content, and program resources.

Program Format

Your child can work onsite at your local Brain Balance Center with our coaches three times per week.

We also offer an at-home virtual option that is parent-led. You'll have weekly video check-ins from your program coach.

Stories from Brain Balance Center of Suwanee

"Shortly after completing 3 months at the Brain Balance Luke began the 2009-2010 school year. Last year Luke was put on an IEP for Language Arts and Reading. This past Friday I had my first meeting with his teachers and support staff. All of the teachers agreed that Luke DOES NOT require any special services outlined in his IEP at this time! The information I was receiving in this meeting was very different from the meetings that I cried through last year! Luke is in a much better place right now because of the help of the Brain Balance Center in Suwanee, GA."


"Alex has improved in many ways. His large motor skills have improved greatly. He rides his scooter with ease and grace now- he would not get on it before. He goes outside to play voluntarily now when he would not have done that before."


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Is there any research behind the program?

How long is the program?

Our Team

Deana Smith
Deana Smith

Executive Director

Deana is on our Executive Management Team. She graduated from Nova Southeastern University in early childhood education. She oversees the two Atlanta locations and is the acting Center Director in the Roswell center. She has over 25 years of experience working with children specializing in neurobehavioral disorders. Deana was formally the Regional Director for 15 years with one of the largest child development non-profit corporations in South Florida. Her passion has always been child development. Deana was formally a Center Director and Marketing Executive for a Sylvan Learning Center. In 2013 she started working at Brain Balance of Roswell as a Cognitive Coach. Right away she was beyond impressed by the changes she saw in all the children in the program. Months later Deana emerged as the Assistant Director and became so inspired by the Brain Balance approach that she moved to Florida to help open a new center in Palm Beach, where she was the Program Director for several years… Next, Deana became the Center Director and helped start up Brain Balance of Coral Springs. Now she is back to where she started at the Brain Balance Atlanta locations. Between all of the centers and seeing thousands of incredible success stories Deana wholeheartedly believes in this process and has a deep passion working with our Brain Balance kids. Even her own child went through the program and it was the ONLY thing that gave her answers as to “WHY”. Deana is the proud mother of three children. In her spare time, she loves to draw, paint, and try DIY crafts with her daughter. You can find her hiking or spending time in nature on the weekends.

Paola 2
Paola Shenk

At Home Program Director

Paola Shenk is a dynamic native Ecuadorian. She is fully bilingual (Spanish and English) and holds two undergraduate degrees—one as an Architect and as a nearly childhood teacher. She decided to leave her 10 years of successful business management with A-1Party Artists inc in 2012 and trade it with being the Owner of a Brain Balance in Virginia Beach thanks to a first encounter with Dr Melillo and his presentation about the BB program in 2012. She left the presentation understanding for the first time that her cognitive, emotional, and personal struggles throughout her life had a coherent explanation and that there was hope. She not only did the Brain Balance Program for Adults but put her whole family (own children, niece and nephew)through the program and they are successful adults and children in the present moment because of this program. Paola has 8 years of experience as a previous Business Owner and Program Director for Brain Balance Centers in Virginia Beach. Since 2022 she has been working as the At Home Virtual Program Director and part of the Executive Team that help 10+ Brain Balance Centers. Her passion, business entrepreneur, teaching career, creativity, care for families, love for children and years experiencing the benefits of the Brain Balance program herself, makes her an asset for the At Home Virtual Program and the Brain Balance Centers in Florida, Georgia, NC and KY. Paola is Sammy’s and Thessa’s mom, loves spending time with her husband Tom, at the beach, painting, dancing, collecting Lego and more. But her favorite passion is to create a space where people can truly feel safe and loved as they are.

Cassidy Skinner
Cassidy Skinner

Program Director

Cassidy grew up in Honduras as a missionary kid, and then moved back to the states 11 years later to obtain her Bachelor’s Degree in Developmental Psychology at Liberty University. Since then she has worked with children with developmental delays and disorders for the past two years in various environments (clinics, centers and schools). She has a huge passion for working with children with various disabilities to reach their full potential, and the success of the hemispheric model used here at Brain Balance. She looks forward to continuing to help children with various disabilities reach their full potential here at Brain Balance. In her spare time, you can find Cassidy in the gym or doing anything active outdoors such as hiking, running, or playing sports, and spending time with her family.

Delaney Pallas

Center Director

Delaney embarked on her professional journey with a Bachelors of Science in Psychology with a minor in Sociology from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Her story at Brain Balance began in Illinois as a coach, because of her deep passion for the job she later earned the role of Program Director. Working with kids is not just a job for her; it's a heartfelt commitment to being part of their transformative journey.Now, as the Center Director at Brain Balance Suwanee, Delaney is extremely excited to continue to contribute to the growth and potential of each child she encounters. In her free time Delaney finds joy in cooking and baking, exploring new places, and creating lasting memories with her friends and family. With a zest of life and a love for bringing people together, Delaney embraces every opportunity to savor life's simple pleasures!


Brain Balance Center of Suwanee Events 

Webinar Events

Every month we offer a free webinar on a common struggle that children and young adults across the country may experience. Each of these webinars offers information, actionable strategies for change, as well as a deeper understanding of WHY these challenges are happening and how to address the root cause.
Register Now.



Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.

Read more about the Center


780 Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
Suwanee, GA 30024




Due to Covid-19:
M-F by appointment only
