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The Ultimate Homeschool Guide

Download the free guide to understand if homeschooling your child is the right step.

Homeschooling is not suitable for everyone. It's a challenging endeavor requiring dedication and patience. Evaluating your motivation and willingness to commit is crucial before starting.

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Download our free Ultimate Homeschool Guide. You'll get detailed tips to set up your homeschool environment for success from a parent who has homeschooled 4 children. 


In this guide, you will learn how to recognize the unique learning styles, strengths, and motivations of a child. You'll understand how to tailor teaching techniques to create a conducive learning environment for each child. Additionally, you'll get strategies from the Brain Balance team on how to engage the brain at home while learning all day long. 

Fill out the form to download the "Ultimate Homeschool Guide."

Help Your Child Get Back on Track

Integrating movement into your
child’s learning routine is essential for
optimizing their educational experience.
By adapting teaching methods to suit
visual, auditory, and hands-on learners
and incorporating kinesthetic activities,
you can create a dynamic and engaging
homeschool environment.
If you recognize difficulties with staying
on task, cognitive challenges or delays
in executive functions in your child, the
Brain Balance Program might be the
right fit for your family. To learn more, visit
brainbalance.com and explore the Brain
Balance Program’s whole-child approach. 

Check out these helpful resources for families navigating ADHD and Focus Struggles

Brain Balance Graduate Inspired to Study Neuropsychology

| October 26, 2021

In her younger years, Natalie Thwaites couldn’t imagine a life where she would be thriving as a psychology major at Lipscomb University. “I never..

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Brain Balance Family Finds Lasting Change for Challenges of ADHD

| October 26, 2021

Raising a very active, and often impulsive 6-year-old boy, Marnie would often find herself wondering if her son Landon’s behavior was ‘normal.’ Her..

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Brain Balance Proves Life Changing for One North Carolina Family

| October 26, 2021

Ask Nicole B. about her 10-year-old son Ryan, and her face immediately lights up. “Ryan is very funny,” she says. “He’s a very charming little boy...

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Help Kids Retain And Keep Learning After a Year of At-Home Schooling

| July 6, 2021

In this episode; Rebecca Jackson, Vice President of Programs and Outcomes for Brain Balance, was recently interviewed on the popular podcast..

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University of Cambridge Research Links Learning Difficulties with Weak Connections in the Brain

| March 11, 2020

Children with cognitive, attention and learning difficulties likely have weaker connectivity across regions of the brain than the rest of the..

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Normal Attention Span Expectations By Age

| July 8, 2019

"Pay attention!" "Focus!" "Just two more pages, then you can take a break." Sound familiar? Virtually all parents have tried pleading with their kids..

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