Improve Academic Performance for Students with ADHD or Who Have Trouble Concentrating in Class with These Tactics
Students with ADHD are capable of doing well in school, but neurological deficits prevent them from behaving appropriately and performing well in the classroom. Maintaining expected standards of behavior, such as sitting still, concentrating and listening to others, may be more challenging for children with ADHD. However, classroom modifications may help keep symptoms in check.
ADHD and School Staff: Tips for Working with Your Child’s Teachers
As a parent or guardian of a child with ADHD, you can play a key role in helping your child overcome the challenges of school. By working with your child’s teachers to create specific and realistic goals for your child, and discussing strategies to reduce some or all of his or her ADHD symptoms, you can put your child on the path to success.
Classroom Modifications for ADHD: Strategies for Managing Symptoms
Teachers can use a range of ADHD classroom tools to help manage a student’s symptoms and boost his or her performance in the classroom. Depending on your child's specific needs, these may include:
Eliminating distractions
- Seating student away from doors, windows and colorful displays
- Alternating seated activities with physical activities
- Displaying important information where student can easily see it
- Dividing complex tasks into manageable subtasks
Preventing chattering and interrupting
- Using a timer to set limits when students are taking turns in a group
- Regularly reminding student about the rules for interrupting and encouraging him or her to put a hand up to contribute to discussions
- Teaching student to stop and think before raising a hand in class
- Using a reward system so that students can earn privileges for behaving well
Reducing impulsivity
- Making simple, clear rules and displaying them in the classroom
- Creating a written schedule of activities for the day to help child feel more in control
- Recognizing good behavior and using specific praises
Fighting fidgeting
- Incorporating physical movement into lessons so that child can burn off excess energy in an appropriate way
- Providing child with a stress ball so that he or she can satisfy their urge to fidget without interrupting or distracting peers
Developing Good Habits for Following Directions
- Keeping instructions brief and clear
- Breaking down complex tasks into manageable subtasks
- Providing cues and prompts whenever student forgets the steps in the sequence
Giving Your Child the Best Chance of Success: Getting ADHD School Help
If the symptoms of ADHD are causing challenges for your child, requesting classroom help for ADHD will ensure that your child is able to overcome any barriers to success. If you find that even with these additional classroom tools your child is still struggling, you may need to look outside the classroom for help. While once considered impossible, we now know that the brain can improve and change throughout a person’s lifetime. This phenomenon, called neuroplasticity, is at the heart of the Brain Balance Program. Our drug-free, integrated approach brings parents and kids together to achieve a common goal of improving the child’s focus and attention, leading to a more successful academic and personal life.
If you suspect your child has ADHD or has already been diagnosed with ADHD, contact us online or find a center near you to learn more about how the Brain Balance Program can help.

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