In the article “Can Food Intolerances Cause Behavioral Disorders in Children,” some of the more common food sensitivities and the reactions that occur if a child is intolerant of a particular food are explored. Allergic reactions can be immediate, known as IgE or Type 1 responses, or they can be delayed, known as IgG or Type 3 responses. The latter type of response, a delayed inflammatory reaction, can affect many areas of the body including a child’s behavior.
IgG Food Allergies and Neurobehavioral Disorders
Many children with neurobehavioral disorders will test positive for IgG delayed food sensitivities. Without testing, these sensitivities can be very difficult to detect because they can occur up to 72 hours after the food is consumed. The symptoms are not the traditional rash or hives seen with other types of immediate allergies. Instead, they’re more likely to manifest behaviorally as anxiety, irritability and “brain fog.”
Immediate-onset food allergy typically only involves one or two foods in the diet. Delayed reactions characteristically involve multiple foods - sometimes as many of 20 foods. Essentially, the sensitivity comes from food that is not being properly digested. Over time, the gut becomes irritated and allows for larger proteins to enter from the gut to the body. Also known as “Leaky Gut” or “Leaky Gut Syndrome,” when these proteins enter into the body, they are attacked by the body’s immune system.
Detecting Delayed Food Allergies
Because delayed food allergies do not make themselves apparent immediately and can be caused by multiple foods, they are very difficult to detect without sophisticated laboratory testing. Measuring the amount of IgG4 antibodies determines the severity of the sensitivity. The immune response leaves behind these opioid like compounds that are able to cross the blood brain barrier and interact with opioid receptors of brain cell causing the problems. Delayed food reactions can occur in any organ or tissue in the body and have been linked to either causing and/or provoking over 100 allergic symptoms and well over 150 different medical diseases, including anxiety, ADHD, autism, lethargy and chronic infections.
Help for Delayed Food Allergies
There is good news for those suffering from type 3 food allergies. Delayed-onset food allergies are commonly reversible. Once a food sensitivity is identified via laboratory testing, that food must be eliminated for a period time with the possibility of a later reintroduction once the gut is healed.
A healthy lifestyle that includes a properly functioning immune system, as well as identifying and balancing nutritional deficiencies, plays an integral role in supporting brain development and function. Nearly every child we see with learning and developmental issues has some biochemical imbalances, as well as dietary issues like food sensitivities and vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficiencies. That’s why The Brain Balance Program includes a bio-nutritional component in addition to our customized academic and sensory motor objectives. We will help determine if your child has sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies, then recommend a clear and simple plan to nutritionally support improved brain function. Contact us today to learn more!

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