Brain Balance North San Antonio Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance North San Antonio Families
Spencer has come a long way since beginning Brain Balance. At the start, Spencer was often depressed and would fly into giant tantrums at seemingly small things. Now he is a lot more confident and happy. He wants to go to school and is making many new friends. Spence is now getting invited to do things. He has lost weight …and has a lot more energy. In the past, he was always sluggish despite his healthy diet. Spencer also very rarely has any meltdowns; and, if he does they are easily handled. He has opened up a lot and has even started giving hugs on his own. Thank you Brain Balance for giving me the tools and help I’ve needed in giving Spencer a brighter future. – Kristen B. Mother of Spencer – Age 11
We took Caden to his cousin’s volleyball game. Caden actively participated in clapping for her team and cheering on his cousin. He actually watched and ENJOYED two volleyball games. This is something we would have never experienced before Brain Balance! – Grandmother of Caden
Gerardo used to answer use only one word answers, if he answered at all. Today his is speaking in full sentences and asks questions about everything! My son is more in touch with his feelings and expresses his emotions. I’m reminded each week why Brain Balance San Antonio is worth our commute from Houston when I get to see my son smile. -Father of Gerardo
Mason is definitely a new kid. The first time I realized Brain Balance San Antonio was making an impact was when I heard him crying because he was watching a sad part of a movie. His words to me were, “what is this coming out of my eyes?” I know that he knew what tears were but he had not experienced them in tha…t capacity before. Dr. Petter explained to me that emotions were right brain, and Mason had been tested as right brain weak so he was experiencing new emotions as they worked on right brain strength. Mason continued to progress in conversational speech, he has improved in self-calming mechanisms, he is stronger and will proudly show you his abilities. Mason has started Kindergarten and while I know we are going to be facing some challenges, I have yet to get a behavior or academic report from the teacher other than that of any other typical Kindergartener. He is doing great in his lessons, and loves homework. His new diet has shown a significant difference and we feel that we have set him up for success by investing in this program. Not only are we thrilled with Mason’s progress, we enjoyed the staff and will miss them. Amanda and Zach were always present and we were able to see their passion and determination in what they are doing for our children. We know we made the right decision getting our son enrolled. We would do it again, in a heartbeat.” -Parents of Mason
We have seen Jack make great progress overall academically and socially. Academically, we are seeing him enjoying reading more, wanting to do his homework, and the work that comes home from school is well done with effort put into it. His handwriting is beautiful when he takes his time, which is more often than less. In his report card, his highest mark was in reading which was an ‘E’. At the beginning of the year he had quite a few ‘S-‘ and now his final report showed all ‘S’ and ‘S+’ or above! Socially, which we were the most concerned about, we have seen super strides in the most positive way. We hear less complaining about friends and he is more active at school. When I used to watch him play, it made me a bit sad to see him roam around the playground looking for someone to play with. Here we are 5 months in to the program and I see him playing with the athletic boys and even being chosen for their team whether it’s football, basketball, or his favorite – soccer. Hearing the kids cheer him on at the bike rodeo at school last month was awesome. He had just taken off his training wheels two days before and he took off riding as if he had his training wheels off for years. Recently, we gave him a skateboard and he did the same thing – he got on and off he went. It’s a true pleasure to see him so coordinated and adaptable. He’s a very happy little 7 year old who is now socially accepted and enjoys being outdoors, reading, drawing, and listening to music.
After one week at Brain Balance, Cooper sat through getting a haircut without crying or moving. Before, getting a haircut was extremely stressful for Cooper. He would pull on the robe and cry. Mom would have to hold his head still during the cut as well as keep him calm. This was a big day!
Tiffany stays on task and is more focused in all activities thanks to Brain Balance!
Within the last month, Zach seems like a completely new person. His conversations are more with substance, he is more motivated, more energetic, and he wants to be outside more. Zach has also become more social, will hold conversation with family now, and introduces himself to people he doesn’t know. He is also beginning to feel true empathy towards other and is more sensitive. During a long road trip to Missouri, Zach did not whine or complain and went with the flow, which he never would have done before. His patience has definitely improved. He is much more helpful at home, offering to help with things that need to get done where I don’t think he even noticed those things before.
When we enrolled our son, I was at the point of giving up because of all the challenges with my child. Despite tutoring and medications, he was not making any academic progress. We received this flyer in his folder one day stating that they help with ADHD, Autism, and other learning disorders and that got my attention since I knew that was our core problem and started to research the program. I also read the book “Disconnected Kids” before enrolling. I have to say as a nurse, it all made sense to me. We enrolled our son for a 36 session and in that time we made breakthroughs. We found out about his individualized food sensitivities, healthy ways to keep him stimulated and evolving, and most importantly he did start making improvements in school. He increased two reading levels, he started making hundreds on his spelling test, his handwriting improved dramatically, his self-esteem was improving and in the last conference with his teacher her comment of “He is like a different child” meant the world to me. Now, I have to say in all honesty, it is not overnight, it’s a strong commitment between you, the child, the facility, and the schools, and there are going to be points of regression. That is part of the process. However, if you are feeling at a loss, this program is worth a shot. If you’re still skeptical, it is absolutely worth the assessment, I promise you will learn something about your child that you never knew. I thank Brain Balance for giving us hope.
We have seen a great change in Christopher’s behavior. He has been in a good mood, he is calmer, and he has started listening to me. His manners have also improved and he has been very polite. Chris has been on good behavior at home and at school. His teachers have reported that they can see a big difference. For the first time, we went to Walgreens and I didn’t have to keep calling him to stay by me. Chris stayed by my side the entire time and when he asked for something I said ‘no’ and he put it back without any screaming or crying. All he said was ‘OK Mommy’. He also got dressed by himself the other day because he “wanted to make me proud”.
Dominique began Brain Balance in the late months of summer in order to get jump start on the new school year. The grades we are seeing on his first tests are better than expected! He received a 100% on his first Spanish test! We also see Dom’s academics improving in other areas. He did excellent on his first chemistry test as well. Dominique’s organization skills are drastically improving, he is much more creative and he is able to complete tasks faster. He is now reading books from every genre. Although he was a strong athlete before his time at Brain Balance, he now plays basketball with greater agility and improved court awareness. He was awarded MVP of the freshman team!
We are reaching the halfway point of our Brain Balance Program and I am already seeing changes in Joe. This year he began 100% inclusion in his kindergarten class. He now tells me things about his day using better eye contact and listening skills. When we go out, he introduces himself to others and interacts better with other children. As his focus is improving, his tantrums are decreasing. Joe is able to re-call stories and instead of memorizing the words, HE CAN READ!
This week, Jackson was actually able to go through the beginning of Tai Kwan Do class without fidgeting or loosing focus. He did not touch any other students through the whole hour! Both classes he was not called on for losing attention or misbehaving. He was only called on for a job well done. I can definitely tell he has more spatial awareness!
Yesterday while watching TV, Jake told me that when he was four, he was blind in one eye and most of the time his vision was blurry. He has never said or complained that his eyes were giving him any problems. I believe that this has only come to light because of the eye exercises he has been doing at Brain Balance and at home. As a mother, I felt shocked that I didn’t somehow know this, and that maybe all his life he’s been dealing with this problem. He now says he’s not have that problem at all!!
Rene has shown major improvement in his behavior overall. During the last two weeks, he has received more green cards than he has in the last two months at school. Rene came home with a yellow card the other day but as we were getting ready for dinner, Rene told me that he was going to tell his teacher that he was sorry for acting up during her lesson. It stunned me that he is processing his actions and realizing that what he did was unacceptable and that he needed to apologize. This was the highlight of my week. Rene is also now able to sit through family meals without getting up, is earning rewards at school, and has improved academically.
Conversations with Andrew feel different now. I feel like he “gets things” a lot better. He is also more engaged with his family. He actually suggested playing a board game with his brother and myself the other day. I was surprised he chose Monopoly because he has never liked board games that take a long time! Andrew has been getting along a lot better with his younger brother. He makes it a point to include him in the things he’s doing and has longer conversations with him. He’s always loved his brother but has never really bonded with him. I see that changing more and more every day. He’s also more interested in making friends and interacting with people outside our family. His socialization skills are improving overall.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! Our time at Brain Balance has been very rewarding! We were concerned with our son, Austin, when he did not pass the 8th grade STAAR test. Although we passed on to 9th grade, the concerns continued. Austin was an A/B student, even taking Pre-AP classes, but he was struggling to stay focused in school and while doing his homework. Additionally, his performance on the baseball field was slower than his teammates.We learned about Brain Balance through a write up in the San Antonio Express News. We decided to have the assessment done and we were extremely shocked at how well Austin was able to perform with the challenges that he had. On average, he was performing at a 9 year old level and showed lots of opportunity for growth in his left brain, especially with hand/eye coordination and visual skills. It was very hard for his eyes to stay focused. There was no question; we knew we wanted to get the help that Brain Balance had to offer! Our entire family was committed to the program. Austin did the exercises at home and the family changed our eating habits based on the feedback from the nutritionist. During the first progress report, we were able to see improvements that were very exciting and encouraging. Austin began doing his homework during the school hours and his performances on the baseball field were improving as well. He was hitting the ball and releasing the ball from his glove quicker! After the second progress report we continued to see improvements in most areas. However, in the area of eye movement that had reached a plateau, Dr. Zach Petter provided additional exercises for Austin to complete at home. We have been very pleased with the structure of the Brain Balance program and the knowledge of the Brain Balance staff. Austin especially loved working with Asa, and never complained about going to the Brain Balance appointments because he was able to see the changes in his school and social life. There is a commitment and cost to this program. However, we will definitely recommend this program to anyone that is committed to seeing their child be successful and reach their full potential in everything they strive to do! Thank you for your expertise and commitment to our son, Austin Wilson!”
Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.
1742 N. Loop 1604 E.
Suite 121
San Antonio, TX 78232
M/T/TH : 9AM - 7PM
W/F: Hours vary