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Brain Balance of North Olmsted – Meet Our Staff


Our Team

Nate and April Taninecz

Nate and April Taninecz

Executive Directors

When their oldest of three children began to show symptoms associated with what would be diagnosed as high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD, they responded in many of the same ways that so many parents do.  They put on a brave face and motivated themselves to do anything to help their child, but truthfully inside they felt broken, full of doubt with questions of “how” and “why” while blaming themselves and feeling alone.

Enter Brain Balance.  Their hope was restored and along with it their son and their family.  The desire to provide this same hope to other families feeling lost and afraid fueled a major shift in their professional and personal lives.  After spending nearly 20 years helping to move a technology start-up from concept to a publicly-traded company, Nate chose to use the experience gained as a leader within professional services, product management, sales, and marketing to spread the word and deliver the power of the Brain Balance Program to others.  April is a perfect complement to Nate, both in their 20 years of marriage and in her business acumen and experience. As a human resources professional, April is able to focus on creating a positive and fulfilling workplace, filled with compassionate, dynamic and energized team members. Together, our amazing team ensures the highest quality experience for our kids and their families.  The reason for hope is real and our team invites you to experience it with us.


Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.


5078 Great Northern PLZ S
North Olmsted, OH 44070




M,W,Th 12pm - 8pm
Tues 10am - 6pm
