Brain Balance Westchase Reviews & Testimonials

Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance Westchase Families
“My son was assessed for a new school today. He was to start 4th grade. His reading comprehension level put him at 7th grade. I am thrilled. Six months ago in August he was just below 4th grade. I know that Brain Balance has made the difference in his reading comprehension scores.”
“My son’s teacher has commented on how calm and focused he’s become. He’s had great days at school because of the great staff at Brain Balance! We are very excited to see how much more he will achieve. Thanks!”
“We have noticed our son is calmer, and if something does bother him, it is very short lived. He is transitioning better. The staff at Brain Balance is great! Our son’s music teacher said he never raised his hand in class until today. He asked for the drum and played and hummed a classical piece of music that the teacher recognized right away!”
“We drive 2 ½ hours one way and our son is worth every minute and mile spent on the road. Just 20 sessions and my son’s reading fluency and word reading has markedly improved. We are so proud of him! He loves coming to Brain Balance. His confidence has improved greatly too J. Thank you to such an awesome team of professionals who understand and care about children with learning challenges. It’s also a soft place to land as a parent. Thanks again!”
“We have to let you know how wonderful our son is doing since beginning the Brain Balance Program! As a 24 year old with mild to moderate autism and other neurological deficits, we were not sure how much we could expect from the program. After researching Dr. Melillo, reading his book, “Disconnected Kids” and speaking with the Brain Balance Center we felt it was the right program for our son. And we are very pleased to tell you that only a few weeks into the program we noticed him carrying himself with more confidence and after only 4-5 weeks of sessions, his communication skills aredramatically improved! He used to struggle to make even the smallest conversation and now he carries on conversations with ease! It is truly remarkable! We cannot explain to you the joy to watch our son, who only weeks ago could only answer yes and no questions, now initiate adult conversations and actively participate in them. It is truly amazing to watch. He is benefiting in other areas as well, and we look forward with anticipation to the rest of the program and fully expect our son to continue to improve. Thank you, Dr. Melillo for your research, and thank you to the Brain Balance Center of Oldsmar, Fl for your dedication to not only our son but all children who struggle with neurological deficits. Your sincere caring and specific attention to each child’s needs, is truly appreciated.”
“Here are just a few of the wonderful things that Brain Balance has done for Danielle: Most recently Danielle has stopped taking her “brain pill” as she called it. This was medication to help with focus. So far no negative effects noted from not taking it!!!! This is a wonderful thing and makes me soooooooooooooo happy that she is not taking this medication. She is eating better, exercising more, and requires less sleep. Physically stronger…recently did a ropes course, climbed a rock wall and did zip line. She is calmer and less impulsive. This has been noticed by others is group settings and social gatherings. (It’s not just MY opinion!) She is controlling her voice level better. (Not as loud.) And is SELF regulating her actions more because she now has self-awareness. Conversations now on a more mature and age appropriate level. She is initiating social interaction on a more meaningful level at home, school and church. She is interacting and bonding with peers and building friendships. Developing a more appropriate sense of humor. She has begun journaling in the form of art and short stories or comic strips. She is better able to grasp intangible concepts such as religious beliefs. What more could you ask for!!!!!!!! But I know there is still more to come and many things I have left out.”
Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.
11902 Race Track Road
Tampa, FL 33626
M- 10am-8pm
T- 10am- 6:30pm
Thurs- 10am-8pm
Fri- 10am-4pm
Sat & Sun Closed