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Dyscalculia and Struggles with Math Concepts


Help your child thrive this school year with the Brain Balance Program.

Many children struggle with learning disabilities that can hinder their ability to process and understand information. Specifically, dyscalculia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty conceptualizing and performing mathematics. 

Often people with this condition may understand very complex mathematical concepts but have difficulty processing formulas or basic addition and subtraction. A person with the disorder may struggle with visual-spatial relationships, or processing what he or she hears, or retaining math facts from one day to the next. What’s more, these struggles may lead a person to feel anxious or nervous applying math skills in everyday situations.

Dyscalculia: What's happening in the brain?

Learning disorders like dyscalculia, or difficulty with math skills, are struggles that we see every day with the families we help at Brain Balance. A person’s ability to retain, process, and understand mathematical concepts relies on the strength of communication between different areas of the brain.1 Research has shown that weak connectivity between different areas of the brain contributes to the impaired math abilities seen in dyscalculia, the numerical equivalent of dyslexia.2

Extensive scientific research also demonstrates that the brain is malleable, allowing for brain connectivity change and development and creating an opportunity for improvement at any age.

What can be done?

Brain Balance has applied this research to develop a program that focuses on building brain connectivity and improving the foundation of development, rather than masking or coping with symptoms.

If you have a child or a teenager who exhibits signs of dyscalculia, let's talk. An assessment can help to identify the areas of opportunity and create an action plan for you and your child.

In fact, parents saw a 40% improvement, on average, in their child’s academic performance following the completion of the Brain Balance Program.3

School can be easier. Complete the form to learn more.

1 https://news.utdallas.edu/health-medicine/study-links-math-abilities-to-left-right-brain-com/
2 https://www.brainbalancecenters.com/blog/learning-difficulties-due-to-poor-connectivity
3 https://www.mentalhealthjournal.org/articles/a-retrospective-review-of-parent-reported-anxiety-and-emotional-functioning-in-children-with-developmental-challenges-after-participation-in-the-brain-balance-program.html
