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How to Reduce Test Anxiety in Kids with Learning Disorders

Test Taking Tips for Children with ADHD and Learning Disabilities

Students with learning disorders or ADHD may be particularly prone to suffering from test anxiety. According to the Journal of Learning Disabilities, an in-depth analysis revealed that these students had a greater chance of experiencing worry, inattentiveness and cognitive obstruction. Despite this, students with learning disabilities can overcome their obstacles and be confident test-takers—they just need a little extra help. In addition to working with a neuro-academic teacher at Brain Balance, your child may benefit from the following test-taking tips.

Preparing for Tests

Kids with a learning disability and test anxiety can feel empowered by developing a consistent routine for preparing for tests. Encourage your children to write down test dates on a calendar as soon as they become aware of them. Then, create a study schedule for the days leading up to the exam. Your children should use the method of studying that works best for them, whether that means creating flashcards or reading aloud from the textbook.

Practicing for Tests

Becoming a good test-taker takes practice, especially for kids with a learning disability and test anxiety. Your children can create their own tests from the study material, devising questions that may appear on the exam. Then they can practice taking the tests at a desk at home, allotting themselves the same amount of time a teacher would. Doing so may help ease your children’s nerves as well as provide an additional studying technique.

Using Relaxation Techniques

Students with test anxiety may benefit from relaxation techniques. Guide your children through deep breathing exercises, such as breathing in through the nose and slowly exhaling through the mouth. Remember that a positive attitude can make a significant difference for youngsters with learning disabilities. They might take a few minutes to imagine themselves doing well on the exam, or they might prefer a reward system for using good studying habits.

Improving Lifestyle Choices

A student’s lifestyle choices can affect academic achievement. It’s important for your kids to get plenty of sleep, which can improve concentration and fact recall. Parents can discourage the consumption of sugary and caffeinated drinks, which can make test anxiety worse, and instead help their kids choose healthy foods that fuel the brain.

Brain Balance Achievement Centers are dedicated to helping students with learning disorders reach their full potential. Our unique, drug-free approach is based on the latest clinical research and involves comprehensive assessments and personalized programs. When students work with our specialists, they can develop a renewed sense of self-confidence that comes from knowing they are prepared to excel in the academic setting. If your child suffers from a learning disability and test anxiety, we invite you to contact us to learn more about our program.

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