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6 Strategies for Back to School with Clean Eating


Students are gearing up for school and parents are figuring out what to pack in the lunch boxes. How to follow a clean eating program in the classroom, cafeteria and at soccer practice? Here are six strategies for success.
  1. Communicate - have multiple conversations with your student, your child’s teacher and anyone else who might have the opportunity to feed your child. Make sure everyone is on the same page with what foods are allowed, which foods are prohibited and suggest alternatives that are a good fit for your child’s dietary needs. Follow up the conversation with the expectations in writing.
  1. Role play - offer your child banned foods and have her practice politely declining. Your child will feel empowered if she has a script she is comfortable with.
  1. Know the schedule - ask your teacher when classroom parties are, birthdays, field trips and other potential
  1. Just say no - for most sports practices, children do not need a snack or sports drink; they are overused. Pack water and have a healthy dinner at home.
  1. Have a backup - If your child’s teacher is willing, have an approved snack or treat to have on hand for younger children in case there is a party that you didn’t know about ahead of time.
  1. Trouble shoot - are things off track? Check in with your child and see what is going on. Are they sneaking treats after school because they don’t have enough lunch? Pack more. Are they unable to resist temptation? Take away spending money. Do you guys need more ideas? Check out our facebook community for new ideas each day.


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