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Important Insights Into ADHD Learning Styles and Other Learning Disabilities

When it comes to teaching children who have a learning disability or ADHD, there are countless theories out there. Some are based on studies and research that shows a certain strategy is effective for some groups of children. Others may seem promising, but have yet to be proven.

The fact is, many children with ADHD or other learning disabilities have similar learning experiences to their peers when it comes to different learning styles, and as a parent, learning more about the different types of teaching and learning can help ensure all children thrive in the educational environment.

Learning Styles

Currently, there are seven known learning styles. Each one comes with its own merit and may be beneficial for children struggling to overcome learning disabilities. The seven styles are as follows:

  • Solitary or intrapersonal: In this learning style, a child prefers to work on their own.

  • Social or interpersonal: With this style of learning, the child does best in groups or learning with others.

  • Logical or mathematical: The child uses systems, reasoning and logic to learn.

  • Physical or kinesthetic: With this style of learning (which is extremely common for children with ADHD and other learning disabilities), the child prefers using their hands, body and sense of touch to learn.

  • Verbal or linguistic: This style of learning involves the use of words, in both writing and speech.

  • Aural or auditory-musical: The child prefers using music and sound to learn.

  • Visual or spatial: The child prefers using spatial understanding, images and pictures.

Determining a Child’s Learning Style

Each child is unique and different, and so is the way they learn. Just because a method works for one child struggling with ADHD or another learning disorder, it doesn’t mean this method is automatically going to work for another struggling with the same condition. It is best for teachers and parents to experiment with the various learning styles until they find one (or more than one, in some cases) that works best for the child in question. When it comes to teaching a child with learning disabilities, there doesn’t have to be one right method. The best way to help them learn is to figure out what they understand and what they are most comfortable with, then build from there.

If your child is struggling to overcome ADHD or another learning disability, then learning about the various styles of teaching and learning can be beneficial. This will help you and your child embrace what is being taught and have the best chance possible of grasping the concept. Interested in finding out how your child's brain works? Take our online assessment quiz to determine how you can best support his or her unique qualities.

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