Do pets help children who have sensory issues or who suffer from anxiety cope with everyday life experiences?
If you have a child with additional needs related to ADHD, processing disorders, learning disabilities or behavioral issues, you may have noticed that he or she is calmer and more connected around domestic animals. A family-friendly pet may be beneficial to a child who struggles with sensory, social or behavioral issues.
Benefits of Pets
Research shows that pets may help children in the following ways:
- Interaction: Children tend to interact verbally and socially for longer periods, enjoy themselves more, and are more aware of their surroundings when playing with pets rather than with inanimate objects.
- Empathy: Bonding with a pet is thought to encourage empathy towards other humans and animals.
- Positive Mood: Interaction with a pet tends to improve mood and promote positive emotions.
- Anti-stress: A link exists between pet ownership and anxiety reduction. The presence of a pet can reduce the amounts of cortisol, a stress-response hormone produced by an autistic child upon waking in the morning. The amount of cortisol in a waking autistic child decreased from 58 percent to 10 percent when a service dog was present. When the dog was taken away for a short while, the amount of cortisol increased to 48 percent.
- Blood Pressure and Heart Rate: Children involved in animal-assisted therapy (AAT) had lower blood pressure and heart rates when interacting with and stroking a dog, implying that the activity is relaxing.
- Learning: Although it's not known if the brain benefits directly from owning a pet, pet ownership does seem to assist in learning. The presence of a pet improves motivation and speed when completing tasks, and increases listening skills and concentration.
What Type of Pet is Right for My Child?
Before you rush out and get a pet, consider a few things.
- Lifestyle: If you live in a small apartment or don't have ready access to open spaces suitable for exercising a dog, choose a pet that doesn't need a lot of exercise, such as a rabbit, hamster or guinea pig.
- Cleaning: All pets, particularly those kept in runs or cages, need clean environments. Waste products must be removed daily and bedding replaced regularly.
- Feeding: Pets need food and water every day, so take the cost of the appropriate foods into consideration.
- Attention and Loving Care: Does your child have the time to play with and train a pet?
- Commitment: Day-to-day commitment is needed, and if your child has a pet like a dog or a cat, this responsibility may last 10 to 12 or more years.
- Noise: Children with sensory processing disorder or anxiety may not like the pitch of a dog's bark or may be extra sensitive to other pet related noises like squawking from a bird.
If you choose to get a pet for your child, make sure the timing is right and that he or she has an actual interest in animals. The right family-friendly pet may be just what your child needs to better cope with daily stressors and other overwhelming sources of stimulation. Owning a pet may help ease these daily anxieties and help to better facilitate socialization and understanding.

Contact us today to schedule an assessment. You can also view the research and results of the program on the website.
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