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Is It Time for a Tutor? Signs Your Child May Need Extra Help


School can be challenging for any student, but for some children, completing schoolwork well and learning lessons effectively can be particularly difficult. The solution may be a tutor. However, discerning whether a student needs a little extra push or an additional instructor can be difficult. If you've been asking yourself, "Am I seeing signs my child needs a tutor?", check out this list of strong indicators below.

Assignments Are Consistently Incomplete or Forgotten

You can encourage your child to finish their work all you want, but when students are really struggling, they will often avoid homework to escape the unpleasant feelings it provokes. If your student is consistently missing assignments, it is probably time for a tutor who can spend time with your child, tackle particular obstacles that come up and make sure that students finish assignments feeling empowered, rather than disheartened.

Self-Confidence Has Slipped

Grades and performance in school are both huge factors in determining how a child feels about themselves. Have you noticed that your child is feeling down about their abilities or anxious about going to school? Tutors are specifically trained to teach children about challenging concepts, and they can help boost both grades and a child's ability to understand confusing concepts -- making them prouder and more confident.

Grades Have Dropped

Sometimes, a student's grades drop despite the fact that they are studying an adequate amount and completing all of their assignments. Tutors can determine and address the reasons that your child is not comprehending or performing well, and, in turn, help them pull their grades back up.

You (or Another Parent) Are Unable to Help With Schoolwork

If you (or another parent) are not able to help your child with assignments, it may be a good time to bring in a tutor. Whether you've taken on extra time commitments or no longer remember the concepts or material your child is studying, tutors can step in as role models and offer guidance -- guaranteeing that someone is there for academic help when you are not able to be.

If you notice any of the above tutoring signs, consider bringing in a tutor to help boost your child's performance. However, if your child's learning challenges continue despite working with a tutor, or if they are more overarching (e.g. they have difficulty paying attention, getting organized or learning concepts despite additional instruction), it may be time for a more intensive educational intervention.

If your child struggles with learning, contact us online or find a center near you to learn more about the Brain Balance Program.

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