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Parent Tips For Dealing With Bullies

It's no secret that kids with learning and behavioral disorders and their parents often end up dealing with bullies. At Brain Balance Achievement Centers, we want every child to connect with success in both their academic and personal lives. That's why we've teamed up with The Bully Project to bring awareness to this devastating and crucial issue. If you discover your child is a victim of bullying behavior, find below some information to help you help your child, and put a stop to bullying.

According to The Bully Project, bullying exists when the following three criteria are met:

  • There is an imbalance of power. Bullies use their power to control or harm others, and those being bullied may have a hard time defending themselves.
  • There is intent to cause harm. Actions by bullies are not accidents and are meant to hurt others.
  • There is repetition of the behavior. Bullying behaviors are aimed at the same the person over and over again by one person or group.

If you suspect your child is being bullied, the following strategies could help:

  • Write down what you see and hear. Begin taking notes that include everything your child shares about the bullying incidents and how your child is feeling and acting. Include dates and times.
  • Do your research and know your rights. Most states as well as most communities and schools have bullying policies and laws.
  • If your child has physical signs of bullying, document it with photos and contact authorities immediately.
  • Request a meeting with school staff and share what you know.
  • Be specific when asking for help. Let school officials know exactly what you need from them.
  • If your child becomes withdrawn, he or she may need to speak with a counselor or therapist.

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