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ADHD Awareness Month: Your Comprehensive Guide To ADHD

October is ADHD Awareness Month! Brain Balance Achievement Centers is proud to share our comprehensive ADHD Guide to promote awareness and understanding of the disorder. We've included all you need to know about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and invite you to use the social media buttons below to share this great resource!

ADHD is a condition characterized by developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. To be diagnosed, the condition must cause significant impairment in daily functioning in at least two settings. While all children experience these symptoms occasionally, a child with ADHD will experience these symptoms to a degree that interferes with his or her ability to function at home and at school on a recurring basis. The disorder affects 15 million Americans of all ages and is NOT a result of bad parenting.

ADHD has three subtypes:

  1. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive
  2. Predominantly inattentive
  3. Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive

Click here for a checklist of signs and symptoms to help you determine if your child’s inattention and impulsivity are behavioral or if they could indicate ADHD. Find various articles below that will help your family understand the root cause of ADHD, manage behaviors, and reduce or even eliminate symptoms!

Tips for Managing ADHD
The demands and structure of school can be a stressful for most kids, but if you have a child with attention issues and learning difficulties, it can be even more stressful. With careful planning and practical strategies, your child's school career can be well managed, even for those families dealing with attention and learning disorders.

Setting Rules For Your Child With ADHD
In this post, we continue our discussion by sharing specific rules and guidelines to help children maintain their focus and commitment to their goals. With consistency, organization, and dedication you can help your child succeed.

Motivating A Child With ADHD
How do you encourage a child with attention issues, who may try to avoid homework and chores, to complete those tasks with minimal arguing and stress? Find useable, practical strategies here for successfully motivating a child with ADHD.

Diet and Nutrition for ADHD
At Brain Balance, we know from experience that food plays a role in attention and behavioral issues, and we must closely examine a child’s diet for a whole-person approach to reducing symptoms. A recent study published by the Lancet found that in 64% of participating children, ADHD symptoms could be contributed to a hypersensitivity to food.

Research Shows Disconnect in Brains of Kids with ADHD
The University of California – Davis Center for Mind and Brain recently released a report showing that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have areas within their brains that fail to connect when they attempt a task that measures attention. Since the right hemisphere of the brain regulates impulsivity, attention, and socially appropriate behavior, a child with decreased right brain activity may be hyperactive, oppositional, disruptive, and even aggressive.

The Brain Balance Program® was part of an exploratory research study conducted by Harvard University’s McLean Hospital. The research study focused on the impact of aspects of the Brain Balance program on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Harvard University researchers examined ADHD symptoms in children before and after participation in a home-based Brain Balance Program.® The study revealed comparable results similar to those of a low-dose drug often used to treat the symptoms of ADHD. 

The results of this exploratory study are promising for individuals diagnosed with ADHD as an alternative to drug therapies currently being used for the management and treatment of ADHD. 

To learn more about our whole-child approach, contact us online or find a center near you.

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