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The Ultimate Back to School Guide for Kids who Struggle

Watch our video to see additional back to school tips
for kids who struggle!

If your child is struggling academically, behaviorally or socially, the transition from summer back to school can bring on additional stress for your child and your family. 

Going back to school may bring on feelings of anxiousness or nervousness for many reasons.

  • A child who has challenges socializing may anticipate difficult interactions.
  • A child who struggles to keep up in school may anticipate feeling overwhelmed and falling behind. 

We put together these practical tips for parents to help ease the transition into the school year and set your child up to succeed.

2022-08-23 17_24_52-BB 2022 August Back to School_R03.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (32-bit)


Fill out the form to download our "Ultimate Back to School Guide for Parents”.



Brain Balance is the leading drug-free program helping kids move beyond challenges to achieve greater success. This personalized program is designed to improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance.

Fill out the form to download the Ultimate Back to School Guide for Kids who Struggle
