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Jacob was diagnosed at the age of five with high-functioning autism.

He struggled with language, and it was difficult for him to make friends. He was also very sensitive to loud noises. Often in the cafeteria, while everyone was eating, Jacob would be underneath the table with his ears covered. He couldn’t pay attention or focus, and his grades started slipping. We wondered, “How are we going to get him the help he needs?” We were at a dead end. I went to a workshop about Brain Balance. Then, the occupational therapist at school mentioned her daughter’s experience with Brain Balance. The therapist came to the classroom, tried different strategies with kids, and she made the choice to take her child to Brain Balance. I thought, “If she takes her child to Brain Balance, that’s something. ”My husband and I discussed it and decided that the least we could do was go in for an assessment.

After only the first session at Brain Balance, the teacher noticed that Jacob was more focused in school. He was on the playground talking with other children. They were teaching him games and he was responding to them. It floored the teachers and the speech therapist. That gave us hope. We thought, “Oh my God, he’s talking to someone else. He’s actually playing ball with those kids.” With Brain Balance, there’s a better way. There is hope. It gave us the possibility and the hope that our child could achieve like any other child. It’s so worth it.

Most of our lives were spent trying to help Jacob, taking him from therapist to therapist and working with different professionals. Now, life is so different and so much better. Jacob has become very expressive. We have two-way conversations, and he shares thoughts about the world and the people around him. Brain Balance opened up a world of possibilities for us.

Brain Balance students progress an average of 2.6 levels in 3 months for sensory motor exercises. On average, customers surveyed rated their satisfaction at 8.5 on a 10 point scale.
