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Help Improve your Child's Reading Struggles

Watch our video to understand what is going on in the brain when a child experiences reading struggles. 


Reading challenges are the result of development. The more mature a child's development, the better the child's ability to keep up with learning. However, if there are gaps and holes in development, a child may have a difficult time with reading, memory, and focus. 

We developed our "Tools for Good Reading Habits and Test Prep" guide to give parents actionable steps to help kids make strides academically. 

reading test taking guide thumbnail

Fill out the form to download our guide, “Tools for Good Reading Habits and Test Prep."

Brain Balance is a holistic, drug-free program helping kids move beyond challenges to achieve greater success. This integrated program is designed to improve focus, behavior, social skills, anxiety, and academic performance.

Fill out the form below to download our guide, “Tools for Good Reading Habits and Test Prep."
