Brain Balance Works to Address the Root Cause of Your Child’s Struggles
Brain Balance strives to build and strengthen the missing developmental components to set each person up for success by working to address the root cause of these struggles.
We will be calling you soon. Watch our video to learn more about how we can help your family.
How Brain Balance Can Help
Based on your responses to our Online Assessment, we have found preliminary signs indicating your child may have an imbalance. Before we call you to discuss the results, take a minute to download our “Developmental Milestones and When to Worry” guides.
We created two Developmental Milestones guides to help parents monitor a child's development! These developmental milestones quick guides will help you follow your child's developmental progress and note any red flags along the way. Our first guide outlines Developmental Milestones from birth through elementary school. Our second guide helps parents of tween and teens: developmental milestones for middle and high school.*
If a child misses multiple developmental steps, it can impact coordination, focus, learning, and socialization. By monitoring a child's accomplishments and the time it takes to reach each stage of development, parents can address developmental delays before they impact school performance, social skills, and behavior.
Check out the research and results section of our website to learn more about the relationship between developmental milestones and positive outcomes.
*Please note, one red flag does not signify an issue or constitute a problem or diagnosis. It simply means that you should watch your child more closely and pay attention as your child moves through development.