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Brain Balance Raleigh Reviews & Testimonials


Reviews & Testimonials from Brain Balance Raleigh Families

Sadie Dalonzo"If you are on the fence about Brain Balance for your child, I've got two words for you: Do. It. It has made a huge difference in our daughter's life. It won't be overnight and it won't solve every problem your child has, but it will make solid, foundational changes that will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. We tried it for our daughter with the most extreme ADHD symptoms and were so pleased, we put our other daughter (with less extreme symptoms) in as well.

Our situation: two girls, daily calls and texts from teachers regarding behavior and not paying attention in school. I got an average of 2 calls per girl each day. I dreaded answering my phone and my stomach hurt when I saw the school name pop up on my phone. My husband is dead set against medication; me not so much. So the combination of diet, program and home exercises made sense for us. The cost is really high. Not going to lie about it. But it's worth every single dollar. I've watched first-hand as things started to change - small things like my daughter doing less donkey kicks while she watched her tablet, her starting to do things the 1st or 2nd time I told her, making eye contact when she speaks, and moving to having control over her actions.

Finally, both my girls would tell me that they wanted to do better, be better but they couldn't reach those goals. Their brains didn't have the connections to give them that level of control. It's an amazing process to watch and to know that you are hitting the root of the problem rather than applying temporary band-aids." - Sadie's Mom

Our struggles began with Grace being anxious at night making it hard for her to fall asleep. She needed to have several lights on in her room and ask questions over and over again about if we would be home all night. We tried so many different methods to help her sleep. We spoke to our pediatrician about it and did as he suggested and ended up seeing a child therapist. Different tricks would work for a small-time, and then it would start over again each time getting worse. It was very draining on all of us. As Grace grew into school age, we found it more and more difficult for her to interact with other children in social settings, and she had a hard time making friends. Grace would cower to me or just stand back. She had a very difficult time inserting herself when there was more than one other person in a room. We figured this was just her personality.

In third grade, we were becoming very concerned about her anxious behavior because we were now seeing that it was truly affecting her academics. Her ability to go to sleep was at its all time worse. It would take hours at night to get her to sleep. Many questions asked and answered every night, repeated over and over again, and several lights on in and out of her room became our nightly norm. I was teaching at her school at the time, and every morning Grace would ask repeated questions until I would become frustrated. Many questions like our nightly ones, only geared for the day…I wasn’t going anywhere today?” “Does she come to my room at the end of the day? Nothing bad will happen today? I was drained before I even started my day, and so was she. We were exhausted and frustrated to no end. I am not even sure why I picked up the phone and called Brain Balance the day that I did, but I was on the phone making an appointment to have our daughter assessed. After the assessment, my husband and I met with the coordinator to go over her results. And we signed Grace up for the 3-month program and started immediately. We told Grace that Brain Balance was her “sport” for the fall. After a month or so we saw that the nightly questions began to get less and less and she began to turn off her plethora of nightly lights.

About a month and a half into the program, Grace looked at her dad and me randomly and said, “You know, I just don’t worry anymore.” It came out of nowhere, and we all three teared up. We knew it was working. At one of her routine check ins with her coaches they told me that Grace was a self-advocate. I was floored because this was a new thing for her. Over the course of the 3-month program we saw slow and steady changes within Grace and we were thrilled and relieved at the same time. We finally found something that worked and we didn’t feel helpless anymore. Our daughter was happy, not worrying, her grades were coming up, but most importantly she began to feel more comfortable in social settings and was finally sleeping! We have been out of the program for 3 years now and to look back at who our daughter once was, she has developed into a sleeping, social butterfly. She now wants her room pitch black to sleep and has all kind of friends and makes friends so much easier. Grace has become so strong and she doesn’t let her anxiety consume her. We are true believers in Brain Balance and will always consider the team at Brain Balance of Raleigh as part of our family.


Our son exhibited signs of developmental delays in his first year of life. We met each one proactively and head on. We tried every program and non-invasive therapy that made sense for him. He has dealt with deficits in social, physical, and cognitive areas his entire life. His greatest strength is his drive and desire to excel and succeed. He watched his sisters go to college and wanted that for himself. That was his goal, but he was not ready to handle the demands of college and have it be a positive experience. That is when we found Brain Balance. Our son finished his first Brain Balance program in Feb 2011 and the second program in April 2012 at the age of 21. He asked to do the second program since he had benefitted so much from the first. He had areas in which he wanted to further improve.  The staff was incredible. They encouraged him, challenged him, and helped him meet his goals.  Because of the Brain Balance program, he is now enrolled in the community college and is excelling in his classes. He takes full responsibility for his assignments and is working more independently than we could have ever imagined. His grades are consistently A’s. Brain Balance specifically and dramatically improved Richard’s skills in reading comprehension, writing skills, auditory processing, and focus. He is also very comfortable interacting socially with instructors and peers. This is a huge accomplishment for him to be able to navigate the arena of college without help. His confidence level has been impacted in a very positive way. Although, I do attribute the gains our son has made to the Brain Balance program, the staff is what made the program work so well for him. Thank you for all of the efforts you made on his behalf and for the love and encouragement that changed my son’s life forever.


Improvements I’m seeing: Developmental progress (toddler inquisitiveness- reaching milestones she “bypassed” as a toddler) Vocal pretend play with dolls/friends More imaginative Questioning more complex ideas Standing up for herself Bravery Excitement Able to self regulate negative feelings better Less anxiety Expressing feelings Feeling things she’s never experienced before More loving with me and others Desire to please others More enjoyment out of life Physical strength Better fine and gross motor skills and coordination More willingness to cooperate/ more obedience Almost NO violent meltdowns Medication reduction I could go on forever explaining how wonderful it is to have my sweet, precious Autumn like I’ve never had her before. 6 months ago we were in a very dark place. The work you and your staff do has allowed me to have a new, treasured relationship with her that I never dreamed possible. The positive life changes have effected Autumn, Cameron and me as a family in such an incredible way. Our home is so peaceful now. Your support and encouragement has changed ME in a positive way. This has been a season of growth, progress, and development for us all. As I’ve said before….priceless. We love and appreciate you all more than words can begin to describe. Thank you for your unselfish, unconditional, ceaseless work, dedication and genuine concern. My children and I are forever changed. Aubrie A.


Brain Balance helps children who struggle behaviorally, socially, and academically through a holistic and integrated approach that is customized to meet the needs of each child.


400 Keisler Drive
Suite 110
Cary, NC 27518




M, W, F:  9am-7pm
Tues & Thurs: 9am-4pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
