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8033 University Blvd., Ste A, Clive, IA 50325

We Help Kids Who Struggle With Leaky Gut Syndrome

Brain Balance Has a Nutrition Plan For Children In Des Moines

The Brain Balance Program of Des Moines

Is your child struggling with school work? Do they have trouble in social situations or is their behavior causing problems throughout the day? The Brain Balance Achievement Center in Des Moines can help. The Brain Balance Program is a drug-free, integrated approach that helps children struggling with academics, behavior, and social issues get back on track. The Brain Balance Program has helped thousands of children with learning and developmental issues. Through our personalized assessment, which consists of sensory motor, and academic testings, we are able to understand your child’s particular strengths and challenges. This allows us to develop a customized plan just for them.

When it comes to helping children, we understand that each child has their strengths and challenges, which is why we focus on providing individual plans in order to help children get back on track at their own pace. Our unique, whole-child approach helps children in Brain Balance of Des Moines reach their physical, social, and academic potential by combining sensory-motor trainings, academic activities, at-home exercises, and dietary guidelines.



Get started with a plan for your child today!

The Connection Between Brain Health and Gut Health

Improving gut health can help children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other behavioral issues, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Have you noticed that your child has been suffering from stomach problems? Leaky gut syndrome is classified when gut bacteria trickles into the bloodstream. Signs of leaky gut syndrome in children include stomach issues as well as incredible cravings for foods containing gluten and dairy, such as chicken nuggets, ice cream, etc. Leaky gut syndrome can also cause children to become very agitated, hyper, angry, or - on the opposite end - lethargic and “out of it”.

How can the Brain Balance Program address leaky gut syndrome in children? Through a proper nutritional program that focuses on eliminating the foods linked to poor gut health, our one-of-a-kind nutritional plan supports our comprehensive approach to balancing the brain effectively and efficiently. Gluten, refined sugar, and dairy have been known to have a negative effect on the brain and can lead to food sensitivities, negative behavior, physical symptoms, and learning challenges. Our program will help to slowly remove these foods from your child’s diet, which can help to improve brain health, gut health, and behavior. Our healthy eating plan is part of our integrated approach that combines nutrition, at-home exercises, sensory-motor activities, and academic skills training.

Begin Your Brain Balance Journey

Is your child struggling academically, behaviorally, or socially? If you feel as though your child’s behavioral challenges are a result of a leaky gut, Brain Balance Achievement Center of Des Moines is here to help. Our dedicated team members truly care about helping children reach their goals and will work with your family throughout every step of our program. Call our center at 515-417-5083 or fill out our form to schedule your child’s personalized assessment.

How the Program Works

A Non-Medical, Drug-Free, Whole Child Approach To Get Your Child On Track

The Brain Balance Program is a non-medical and drug-free approach to overcoming the challenges of ADHD, learning disabilities, processing disorders, Asperger’s syndrome, and a host of other related childhood learning and developmental issues. Our integrated approach combines physical and sensory motor exercises with academic skill training and healthy nutrition.

Your Child's Personal Plan

Brain Balance Personalized Assessment

For over a decade, the Brain Balance Program has helped tens of thousands of children with learning and developmental issues through our integrated, whole-child approach. The Brain Balance Personalized Assessment is an objective and quantifiable measurement of each area of function – motor, sensory, behavioral, social, emotional, and academic – allowing us to better understand your child’s unique challenges.

Support Every Step of The Way

Support Every Step of The Way

One thing you will never be at a loss with at Brain Balance is the complete support of our staff. We work with a very diverse set of kids every day. For years we’ve worked with many different challenges and behaviors, without judgment, using our experience to help every child and every parent find success within our program. You will never feel out of place, or out of line when you ask and need help.
