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Help for Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) in Children

Could your child have ODD (oppositional defiant disorder)? Oppositional defiant disorder in children is often characterized by persistent patterns of anger, irritability, arguing, defiance or vindictiveness toward you and other authority figures. These types of behaviors can cause significant challenges with family, social activities and school.

Watch this video for our top 5 tips to help you and your child with oppositional defiant disorder! 

How Brain Balance helps with Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Children

Parents saw a 43% improvement, on average, in their child’s behavior following the completion of the Brain Balance program*.

A child with significant behavioral issues may exhibit signs of anxiety, have frequent and severe tantrums, be manipulative, and/or be repetitively defiant towards those in authority. Often these children are labeled by teachers, peers, and parents as disruptive, frustrating, mean, or even “bad.” 

If your child shows signs that may indicate ODD or other disruptive behavior or is unable to regulate his or her emotions in an age-appropriate way, we invite you to consider The Brain Balance Program. We focus on the whole-child encompassing through sensory motor work, academic skill training, and confidence-building. Our approach gets the root of the issue to help your child uncover their potential.

How to get started

Our families start with our in-center assessment which helps to determine what areas of a child's development need to be strengthened so we can develop a personalized plan. From there we determine the optimal in-center program length. After in-center sessions, we continue the journey by providing a full 12 months of support!

Is your child disruptive or have behavioral issues that inhibit his or her daily functioning? Learn more about the Brain Balance program and how it can help your child reach his/her full potential by getting to the root of the issue.  Or just give us a call, we want to hear about your child and discuss ways to get him/her back on track. 

Get started with a plan for your child today!
