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The Brain Balance Program: Whole-Child Approach

Watch this 5-minute overview of Brain Balance, as featured on Lifetime TV's talk show "The Balancing Act." You'll learn about the program's whole-child approach and hear from parents whose children completed the program.

Get a Deeper View Into Your Child's Brain-Based Development

It’s not uncommon for a child to need a focused plan to get back on track. The good news is, we can help! The key is understanding these challenges from a brain-based, developmental approach so targeted improvements can be made. You can get these insights from a Brain Balance cognitive assessment.

An assessment is a comprehensive evaluation that measures your child's sensory, motor and academic skills, giving you a deeper view into your child’s cognitive functioning. With the results of the assessment, we can identify specific areas of development that need strengthening and create a customized program that addresses your child's unique needs.

To schedule an assessment, complete the form on this page, and of our specialists will contact you and help you get started. 

Get started with a plan for your child today!
