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Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia

If you child is having trouble reading or has been diagnosed with Dyslexia, school can be a heartbreaking daily struggle.

Dyslexia is a developmental reading disorder that prevents the brain from processing and recognizing certain symbols. It is not caused by poor vision but instead is an information processing problem that occurs in the brain. This type of processing issue can go well beyond just seeing or writing letters backwards. It can include an inability to recognize words visually, problems with rhyming and spelling, and an inability to determine the meaning of words. Click here for more specific information on dyslexia and other learning disorders.

Despite the fact that children with Dyslexia or other reading issues often have average to above average intelligence, one can imagine the toll it takes on a child's self-esteem as they watch their classmates master reading with what seems to them like little or no effort. As self-esteem suffers, so can a child's behavior due to the frustration and embarrassment they feel on a daily basis. Eventually a child's reading problems can affect the entire family.

At Brain Balance, we believe every child can connect with success. Is your child having difficulty learning to read or spell? If so, we invite you to consider the Brain Balance Program. Our approach is a thorough and holistic one that takes the whole child into consideration when designing his or her customized program.

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