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Avoid Holiday Screen Time Pitfalls With This Free Parent Resource

Download the free resource for parents, "Avoid Holiday Screen Time Pitfalls."

The holidays are almost here, and that also means a break from the school routine. It can be hard to figure out how to keep your kids engaged and busy during vacation downtime, and one of the easiest habits to fall into is using their screens to keep them quiet and complaint-free.

However, in reality, screen time can be problematic for families over the holidays, and you don't want a few days of the year to set up bad habits for months to come. Additionally, excess time spent on screens and engaging on social media can be detrimental to brain health for kids and teens. If you want to best manage holiday screen time this year, read about some of the most common holiday screen time pitfalls for families. Then you can learn how to better manage screen time so it's enjoyable and helpful, without any drawbacks.

Here is a quick sneak peek of just one of the pages in your free guide:

holiday screen time pitfalls guide thumbnail

Complete the form and click the button to get your free guide!

In this free guide, parents will better understand the common holiday-break screen time pitfalls, how to handle screen time effectively during the holiday break, recommendations for screen time daily use, by age as well as screen-free activity swaps. 

Fill out the form to get your free gift!
