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We Help Kids Who Struggle With Sensory Processing Disorders

Help Children with Sensory Processing Disorder in Los Angeles Brentwood

Children with Sensory Processing Disorder

Also called Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is a disorder in which the brain cannot properly synthesize multisensory information. If a child is affected by hypersensitivity, specific textures, sounds, and tastes, may cause them extreme fear. A sign of hyposensitivity in children can include fearlessness, inappropriately touching people and/or objects and putting themselves in danger due to their troubles responding to pain.

It is common for children with Sensory Processing Disorder to be very particular about what they like and do not like. Since children with SPD are highly affected by their sensory preferences, Sensory Processing Disorder can impact a majority of a child’s everyday functions. The Brain Balance Achievement Center of Los Angeles Brentwood helps children with Sensory Processing Disorder, by providing a drug-free approach to help children reach their full potential. We believe that the best way to address your child’s Sensory Processing Disorder is by addressing the root issue rather than just focusing on the symptoms. Brain Balance does not clinically diagnose medical conditions, instead we subscribe to a holistic approach for each individual child.

Sensory Processing Disorder Reinforcement For Kids

For parents looking for a service to help children with sensory processing disorders, look no farther than Brain Balance. Every program is customized to focus on the whole child and combines a series of in-center sessions, healthy eating, and at-home activities to provide positive reinforcement for kids with sensory processing disorders. Get in touch with our center to learn more.




Get started with a plan for your child today!

Sensory Processing Disorder and the Brain Balance Program

At Brain Balance Achievement Center of Los Angeles Brentwood we are dedicated to finding the best help for your child. The Brain Balance Program is a drug-free approach that helps children reach their full academic, behavior and social potential by addressing a child’s strengths, challenges and finding the perfect solution. The first step in our program is taking a personalized assessment, which will be used to identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses in different areas of function: motor, sensory, behavioral, social, emotional, and academic. The results of the personalized assessment are then used to create a custom plan just for your child.

The Brain Balance Program combines individually customized sensory motor and academic activities that address brain connectivity and developmental issues found in children with Processing Disorders. Our program combines in-center sessions with at-home activities to help your child reach their goals. Your child’s individualized program will include sensory motor training and simulation, academic activity plans, and dietary guidelines that are crucial to helping your child live a healthy life.

Get Started with Brain Balance Achievement Center of Los Angeles Brentwood

To learn more about how Brain Balance Center Achievement Center of Los Angeles Brentwood can help children with Sensory Processing Disorders overcome their challenges to get back on track, please call 800-877-5500 today. We’d be happy to schedule a personalized assessment for your child!

How the Program Works

A Non-Medical, Drug-Free, Whole Child Approach To Get Your Child On Track

The Brain Balance Program is a non-medical and drug-free approach to overcoming the challenges of ADHD, learning disabilities, processing disorders, Asperger’s syndrome, and a host of other related childhood learning and developmental issues. Our integrated approach combines physical and sensory motor exercises with academic skill training and healthy nutrition.

Your Child's Personal Plan

Brain Balance Personalized Assessment

For over a decade, the Brain Balance Program has helped tens of thousands of children with learning and developmental issues through our integrated, whole-child approach. The Brain Balance Personalized Assessment is an objective and quantifiable measurement of each area of function – motor, sensory, behavioral, social, emotional, and academic – allowing us to better understand your child’s unique challenges.

Support Every Step of The Way

Support Every Step of The Way

One thing you will never be at a loss with at Brain Balance is the complete support of our staff. We work with a very diverse set of kids every day. For years we’ve worked with many different challenges and behaviors, without judgment, using our experience to help every child and every parent find success within our program. You will never feel out of place, or out of line when you ask and need help.
